
A family life.

This year marks my 30th year of life.  I feel that I have done so many things since I was born, but with my jump into my 30s I have spent a great deal of time reflecting.  I noticed that my emotional position of career over family is starting to change.  I have now watched many mothers struggle with the day-to-day issues that young children bring (including, but not limited to, stripping naked and peeing all over the floor in a mater of miliseconds).   BUT, I feel that I am, for the first time, starting  to consider a family.  I can’t believe that I even have this idea, but I suspect over the course of the next few years I would begin to try for one (in whatever way that looks like).

I recognize that I have at least another decade of reproductivity (1), so I can continue to put off the decision to have children that most likely will consume, to some degree, my level of happiness (2).  But now new questions surface… how will I contend with the career that I have built?  How will my life change?  Will I need to give up my career?  Should I take a year off?  Would my employer support this?

Never do I consider my partner, or his feelings and sacrifices.  How will we do this together is probably a more suitable question.  BUT, it has been the burden of the women for so many years to be both a super mom and a power house in the office.  That task is incredibly daunting, and quite frankly, impossible.  I think that it is time that our society not only accepts, but embraces, a society where BOTH parents are participating in child rearing.

Recently, I came across two articles on this topic specifically around affordable childcare and how it helps to stabilize home economics.  I have been preaching this idea pretty much since I was 21, but it wasn’t until I moved to Australia that I realized that my idea is already a reality.  CHILDCARE IS SUBSIDIZED!  Affordable childcare provides families with the ability to manage their career and intrapersonal relationships without a HUGE financial burden.  This is great for both parents!!  (Check out both articles here: 3, 4).

So, as I move forward in my life, career, and family-oriented mindset I know that there are places my ideas have been realized.  I am not sure how I will manage children, relationships, and reality but I do know that continued support for affordable childcare in both the US and abroad is a top priority.